Mystery of Repentance
DFW Melkite Chapel 6900 Denton Highway, Suite 106, Watauga, TX, United StatesMystery of Repentance will be offered until all confessions are heard.
Mystery of Repentance will be offered until all confessions are heard.
A portion of Orthros followed by the Divine Liturgy Commemorations at the Divine Liturgy - all benefactors, living and deceased - of the Outreach.
Last part of Orthros immediately followed by the Divine Liturgy Commemorations of the living: Leila C (annivesary of birth), Bob and Tricia N (anniversary) Commemorations of those Fallen asleep in […]
Vespers, Social (if we have the supplies) and Faith Formation
Sunday Orthros and Divine Liturgy
Chapel opens at 8:30 AM, Sunday Orthros 9:15 AM, Divine Liturgy around 10:30 AM
Sunday Orthros and Divine Liturgy Commemoration: one year anniversary of Fred M.
Vespers, Social and Faith Formation