Divine Liturgy: Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Saint Basil Byzantine Catholic Parish 1118 East Union Bower Rd., Irving, TX, United States

Last part of Orthros at 11:45 AM followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy. Fortieth Day Memorial for Fred Mallick

Great Vespers for New Liturgical Year

Saint Basil Byzantine Catholic Parish 1118 East Union Bower Rd., Irving, TX, United States

Social and food after Vespers!

Divine Liturgy – Sunday Before the Holy Cross

Saint Basil Byzantine Catholic Parish 1118 East Union Bower Rd., Irving, TX, United States

Last part of Orthros 11:45 AM followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy

Children’s Faith Formation

Saint Basil Byzantine Catholic Parish 1118 East Union Bower Rd., Irving, TX, United States

Follows immediately after the Divine Liturgy

Divine Liturgy – Sunday After the Holy Cross

Saint Basil Byzantine Catholic Parish 1118 East Union Bower Rd., Irving, TX, United States

11:45 AM Last part of Orthros begins followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy

Children’s Faith Formation

Saint Basil Byzantine Catholic Parish 1118 East Union Bower Rd., Irving, TX, United States