Sunday of the Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils
Saint Basil Byzantine Catholic Parish 1118 East Union Bower Rd., Irving, TX, United StatesLast part of Orthros begins at 11:45 AM followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy.
Last part of Orthros begins at 11:45 AM followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy.
Last part of Orthros begins at 11:45 AM, followed by the Divine Liturgy.
Martyrs Callinicus and Theodota
Last part of Orthros at 11:45 AM followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy
Melkites do not eat meat, dairy products or eggs. Fish and shell fish are permitted.
Social, Chanter Practice, Mystery of Confession
Last part of Orthros begins at 11:45 AM
Commemoration of Maximos the Confessor and Martyrs Photios and Anicetos
Last part of Orthros begins at 11:45 AM followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy
Chanter's practice and Mystery of Confession